Duy Phan is a biomedical engineer and has spent his entire career in the Medical Device industry. He has held both technical and managerial positions in different functions, including R&D, Regulatory, Quality and Compliance. He currently works at Becton Dickinson (BD) and is very proud of this company as it plays a very key role in combatting the Corona pandemic. BD makes both molecular and rapid testing (e.g. nasal swap) for Covid. It also manufactures billions of syringes being used for vaccination. Duy has a BS in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University and an MBA from Rutgers University.
Duy is married with 3 fabulous children, and of course an amazing wife :). His oldest daughter is in first year college; his second daughter in 7th grade, and a son in 2nd grade. He loves traveling for pleasure, listening to audio books during commute to work, and passionate and competitive in sports. Duy actively plays tennis, volleyball and skiing throughout the year. His favorite movies of all time are Shawshank Redemption and Rain Man. His bad habits are drinking and playing poker. In an alternate universe, Duy would love to be a travel and food YouTuber.
Volunteerism such as being a member of NJVACA is hard especially with a busy schedule and with kids, but it is motivational and aspiring when you believe in the cause. Duy's motivation is to help the current and future administrations to achieve its goals in strengthening and uniting different Vietnamese groups as well as to engage younger Vietnamese American to get involved in their Vietnamese community.