My name is Hoang Thai Nguyen. I graduated from Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey, with 2 degrees in Chemistry and Pharmacy in 2001. I also completed the radioactive materials Authorized User program from the University of Arkansas. I am currently working as a Radiation Safety Officer and a Nuclear Pharmacist.
My wife is Hang Bui. She is a co-chairperson of NJVACA. She graduated from McGill University, Montreal – Canada, with a bachelor degree and MBA in Finance, 1996. She worked as a Senior VP Financial Investment Advisor for different firms, banks, investment groups, and now independent.
For over 30 years, we both have helped numerous Vietnamese American associations throughout the US & Canada such as NJVACA, the Vietnamese Catholic Communities, VINAHF, Rutgers Vietnamese Student Associations, LUA VIET Foundation, Ve Nguon Foundation, Buddhist Temples, BPSOS, VOICE, PAVACA, VAMA-NJ, VAMA-TX, VAPHA, VIET TOC Foundation… in their fundraising activities for community building and humanitarian aids. We are also founders of C4N Org, CAD.
We hope to inspire people in identifying their potentials to empower them to lead. Also, share the passion to serve others and help our community to preserve our heritage as well as promoting it. As humans we want to make a significant difference in the world, and we believe we can if we put our minds to it. The first step is by starting out small. Our Vietnamese American community in Northern New Jersey has grown over the years. We would like to lead by examples and attract younger generation to get involved and carry the torch forward as new leaders in helping our community to grow into the future. We can achieve this goal with the right leadership and perseverance. Together we can make a difference.